Thursday, September 9, 2010

Bread and rolls...yumm-o.

The weather brought a nice surprise to Southern California today.  We actually had, in the words of Mr. Pooh,  a "blustery day".  It was heavenly.  So...what do I do on a blustery day...a take a long walk, so I can come home and make ROLLS!!  I am getting WAY too into this bread thing.  I really love it.  I feel so "Little House on the Prairie" every time I make it.  I really do love it...did I say that already?  I am even thinking of buying a wheat grinder...what the heck is happening to me? 

Use this recipe...(I used the white bread mix this time) mix, let rise under a cloth, until twice in size.  Cut into two sections. (if you want to make a loaf and a set of rolls)

For a loaf: Roll out with rolling pin, fold corners in while rolling up into a burrito. Fold ends under, place in greased pan.  Let rise again for 45 min -1 hr.  This LINK from is a great tutorial.  It is how I learned!!
For rolls, pinch off balls and shape into rolls.  Let rise again for about 45 min to 1 hour.  Bake at 375 for 20 minutes.  Roll butter over the tops! Mmmmm....butter.

The finished loaf!


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